Athlete’s foot
Athlete’s foot (Tinea Pedis) is a common fungal skin infection that can occur in anyone of any age. The fungi thrives in closed, warm and moist environments and is often the initial cause of fungal nail infections.
Athlete’s foot can be contagious and can spread through direct and indirect contact with the infection.
Treat it
There are a number of symptoms that can lead to a diagnosis of athlete’s foot including itching, dry, scaly and flaky skin.
Most patients experience mild symptoms and can treat Athlete’s foot with over the counter topical medications.
Book an appointment
Your initial appointment will include a free foot health assessment.. Contact us if you would like to book an appointment.
“I have suffered from a fungal nail infection and couldn’t ever seem to get rid of it. It was only after my appointment with Kelly that I learnt that I also had athletes foot which was the original cause of the nail infection.”